
List Of Casinos In Cape Town

GrandWest Casino. GrandWest Casino is a colossal area with plenty to do and see, one of the only casinos in Cape Town and also has one of the only publicly available ice rinks in the province. GrandWest Casino. PlayLive casino is a South African online gambling site that claims to be the largest online gambling website in South Africa, and technically, they’re right.There are very few other websites with a South African domain that can rival PlayLive online casino, even though plenty of international casinos can.

Adults and children have their fair share of fun at GrandWest. Children can escape to The Magic Company to enjoy thrilling arcade games, take a spin on the ice at The Ice Station, the only ice rink in Cape Town, or catch the latest blockbuster as they indulge in popcorn and slushies at the CineCentre.

Cape Town is the leader of land based gambling, and it boasts the following venues: GrandWest Casino & Entertainment World - 75+ table games, 2500+ gaming machines, 10 poker tables Silversea Cloud Casino. Cape Town Online Casinos If you are from South Africa and looking into playing at a Cape Town online casino, we have selected a list of a few well worth mentioning online casinos for you to consider.

Family time can be enjoyed while sitting down for a meal at one of the many distinguished and mouth-watering restaurants, or challenging each other to a friendly game of Ten Pin Bowling.


Feeling lucky? Then GrandWest casino has what you need. Boasting a variety of slot machines and tables to suit any game preference, it is open 7 days a week to entice any player ready to take on Lady Luck.

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Home to a number of premium conferencing facilities and venues, GrandWest can help you plan your next business meeting, event, and has hosted a number of local and international acts in its Grand Arena.

List Of Casinos In Cape Town Africa

A building steeped in the history and culture of the Cape, GrandWest Casino and Entertainment World was built to pay homage to the land and sea. It’s façade is a testament to true, historic Cape architecture, while the inside is an ode to Cape Town’s maritime tradition, introducing you to the enchanting Tavern of the Seas.