
Ko Count Blackjack

Card Counting Guides

However, the KO system is an easy count to use even though it is unbalanced. The downside to this is it is slightly less accurate than the Hi/Lo count. The Knockout Count The KO system is not a counting method for boxing knockdowns. It is a blackjack counting system. In the Knockout Card Counting (KO Count) system, all card values are the same as in the Hi Low system, except for the value of the 7 take a look at the book Knock Out. In the Knockout Card Counting (KO Count) system, as explained in the book Knock Out Blackjack, all card values are the same as in the Hi Low system, except for the value of the 7. In this system, the seven is considered a low card and thus a positive value—unlike the Hi Low system where it is a neutral card.

Card Count Systems:
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KO, or also known as knockout, is a common system used by blackjack card counters. There are a number of other systems out there such as Hi-Lo, Hi-Opt 1 and Hi-Opt 2. The basic concept of card counting is to start at a reference point such as 0. When certain cards are shown on the table, you add or subtract to this number until the count is at a desired level that would give you a greater edge.

There are two different categories of card counting. One is a balanced system, where you start off at 0 and count the cards and should end up with a total of 0 when the last card is dealt. If the count isn't 0, then you did it wrong! The other category is unbalanced card counting, where the end total is not necessarily 0. Knockout (KO) is an unbalanced card counting system.

KO Card Counting Strategy

KO or Knock Out strategy begins with the fact that when the whole deck is used up, the count should not end up being zero. Normally there are an equal amount of points that apply to certain valued cards, but in this case, we would give the seven cards a positive 1 count. When a seven is seen on the table, you are adding one point to your starting reference count of 0 to give 1 point now.

The Hi-Lo counting system is one where there are equal points that add up to 0 when the last card is dealt. KO Knockout gives the 7 card that extra point, so at the end of a deck of cards, your final count should be 4. This is because of the four 7 cards in the deck. Multiply the number of decks by 4 to get your final count when playing with multiple decks of blackjack cards. The reason for this small variation is the convenience in not having to make conversions to the true count value. Below is a table of what count number you should add when you see one of these cards being dealt.

Card ValuePoints

Benefits of KO Card Counting

The system is not that difficult to learn. For example, in the KO count table above, if a 7 card is seen, add 1 point to your total. If an 8 card is dealt, don't add anything to the count and if an ace or ten point card is seen, then subtract a point. Keep in mind, you need to do this in your head and you have to pay attention to all the cards on the table, even the dealer and other player cards.

The Knockout card counting system is designed to be easier on the player when trying to keep track of the true count and the running count. The running count is actually the important number here and it depends on how many decks are being used. The true count is the number that you are adding up in your head. To find the running count, just divide the true count by the number of decks being played. For example, if you have a count of +8 while playing with a shoe having 8 decks of cards, your running count would be converted to only +1.

The benefit of this system is you don't have to keep doing the running conversion. It is easy for novice blackjack players who are just learning how to count cards and there really isn't much different between the Hi-Lo card system and the KO counting system either.

Ko count blackjack meaningKo Count Blackjack

The Knock Out count refers to a card counting system of sorts that is used in online blackjack by some of the best professional gamblers in the business. It is referred to as an “unbalanced system” and has more complexity than the usual high/low counts, as well as less accuracy overall. However, when done correctly it is almost undetectable by casino personnel.

Simple Blackjack Strategy

In contrast to the usual card counts that put the deck value at zero, the knock out count in online blackjack results in a positive 4 when the deck is finished.

The “Knock Out Count” in Online Blackjack

Card counting in online blackjack lets players aim at eliminating the casino’s edge. This is done by mentally evaluating evidence to know precisely when certain card values are due to make an appearance and then wagering accordingly. These card counting systems allocate different values to the cards in the deck and then determine the probability of their appearance according to the cards that are already in play.

Ko Count Blackjack Test

Thus, when players using a card counting system in online blackjack determine that there’s a high probability of high-value cards appearing, they bet more and can easily win more. When correctly used, card counting in online blackjack lessens the house edge of a casino and can even give players an unassailable advantage.

In the knock out count, positive values are given to sevens, as well as other cards, thereby ensuring that the counted deck totals +4. This is difficult to accomplish for newbies to the game but easier for the card counter and harder to detect.

Recovering from errors is not very possible in the knock-out system as mistakes by the player are difficult to detect. Thus, players must be accurate and focus really hard on the game.

The term “knock-out count” is often heard during sports betting, especially when combat sports like wrestling, boxing, MMA and the like are involved. In such blood sports, players win when they unleash blow upon unanswered blow on their opponent who is unable to respond. They can also punch an opponent with such force as to render them unconscious or cause pain so intense as to incapacitate them. In either case, such an opponent will be unable to respond to the count of the referee and the match is declared over.

A “knock-out count” equates to a win the competitor can celebrate and pays out to every straight bettor who wagered on the win. It also decides the value of the“round bet” when the play is stopped early.


Ko Count Blackjack Poker

Blog Summary

Blog Name: Knock Out Count In Online Blackjack Explained

Ko Count Blackjack Cards

Posted On: 06/11/2018

Ko Count Blackjack Poker

Author: Jennifer Albee