
Best Way To Play Lottery Uk

  • Assume the Machines Do Favor a Small Percentage of Numbers. If you want to weight your chances.
  • Choose Lotteries with Better Odds. Not all lotteries are born equal, meaning some are easier to.
  1. Free Lottery To Play
  2. Best Way To Win The Lottery
  3. Play Uk Lottery Online

Winning the Irish Lotto 6/47 game can be challenging. However, with the proper use of mathematics, winning is possible. When a magic button is non-existent, mathematics remains the only tool we can use to play the game and win.

Since ancient times, people have been using hot numbers, believing that when a number is appearing more frequently, it is bound to appear more often in the next draws. This belief is contrary to the mathematical principle of probability.

But hot numbers are just one of the many methods that waste your time and money. If you are like most Irish Lotto players who pick numbers randomly, by quick pick, or by any superstitious belief, then your chances of winning can deteriorate significantly.

So now, let’s discuss how to get the best shot possible with a mathematical strategy that works.

The Odds Of Winning The Irish Lottery

The rule of Irish Lotto 6/47 is to pick six numbers from 1 to 47. To know the odds of winning the game, we need to know the number of distinct playable combinations out of picking 6 from 47 numbers. It’s possible using the combination formula:

So the odds of winning the Irish Lottery jackpot are 1 to 10.7 million. The odds are not favorable, and I can say you have a better chance of being elected leader in your local area than winning the Irish Lotto.

Clearly, winning the jackpot in the Irish Lottery is hard. So the only way to increase your chance of winning is to buy more tickets. However, other factors need to be considered. For example, we can look at the composition of numbers as the key to a better number selection. That will lead us to the study of combinatorial patterns.

Know Your Odds When Choosing the Game. An important thing to note is that you should tailor the.

When we know we are getting the best combinatorial patterns, then we become confident that we are getting the best shot possible.

Of course, you don’t win anything by matching the pattern. You win when you match the exact numbers.

This study of a combinatorial pattern should help you get closer to the winning combinations. Let’s dig deeper into how this pattern analysis works for the Irish Lotto game.

But before we continue to study combinatorial, you have to understand that “odds” and “probability” are two different terms. Knowing the difference will help you understand why combinations are not created equally. Because when we talk about combinatorial patterns, we’re not merely focusing on the probability, but rather we try to determine the ratio of success to failure. Please read my post on Odds, Probability, and the Lottery.

Now let’s keep analyzing.

The Odd-Even Patterns In The Irish Lottery

Understanding the odd-even composition of your combination can drastically improve your number selection strategy.

Let’s divide the number field into two sets:

Odd = {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,45,47}

Even = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46}


From these sets, we can derive the odd-even patterns in the Irish Lottery with the corresponding probability below:

Best Way To Play Lottery Uk

For simplicity, I divided the above patterns into three groups:

Best PatternsFair PatternsWorst Patterns

From the table above, it’s the 3-odd-3-even that has the best ratio of success to failure. As an Irish Lottery player, you should only use the best ones and nothing else.

The 3-odd-3-even composition has a probability of 0.33382813788553500, which means that this pattern occurs approximately 33 times in 100 draws.

In comparison, you don’t want to bet on a combination composed of all even numbers, as this pattern only occurs about once in 100 draws.

Best Way To Play Lottery Uk

Theoretically, the probability table above suggests that you should not use combinations under the bad group. This strategy of grouping combinations will dramatically save you from wasting money. When you focus your game on only the best combinations, you are getting the best shot possible.

Let me prove my point using the actual Irish Lotto results.

The Odd-Even Patterns From The Actual Irish Lottery Results

There are 461 draws in the Irish Lottery from September 5, 2015, to February 5, 2020. When we look at the comparison table below, you should notice an agreement between prediction and actual results.

We determine the expected frequency by multiplying the probability by 461 draws.

Expected Frequency = Probability x 461

Therefore for the 3-odd-3-even, the expected frequency will be 154.

If we do the same computation with the rest of the patterns, we will arrive at the following table and comparison graph below:

As you can see from the table and the accompanying graph, the expected frequency and the actual frequency are very close. This agreement proves that the Lottery follows the dictate of probability. And this is the power of mathematics. We can determine the combinatorial patterns that will perform best in the Lottery. Thanks to Probability.

  • The 3-odd-3-even is expected to occur 154 times; It occurred 161 times in the actual draw.
  • The 2-odd-4-even is expected to occur 105 times, 106 times in the actual draw.
  • The 6-odd-no-even is expected to occur 6 times, 8 times in the actual draw.

In the Irish Lottery, it is the 3-odd-3-even that should stand out according to probability calculation. It’s important to understand that the prediction and the actual value may not necessarily be exact.

The Low-High Patterns From The Actual Irish Lottery Results

Here’s a similar probability study. This time, we use the low-high combinatorial patterns. We divide the number field into two sets:

Low = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24}

High = {25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47}

We set the basis of our calculation from the above sets of low and high numbers. And again, we proved that the Irish Lottery follows the dictate of probability.

From the graph above, we can see the close match between the prediction and the actual results.

  • The 3-low-3-high is expected to appear 154 times; it occurred 154 times in the actual draw.
  • The 2-low-4-high is expected to appear 105 times, 91 times in the actual draw.
  • The 6-low-0-high is expected to appear 6 times, 6 times in the actual draw.

Predicting the Future Outcome of the Irish Lottery 6/47 Game

Probability is the mathematical tool we use to estimate how likely an event will occur. For example, if we want to know in advance, the outcome of the Irish Lottery in 1000 draws, we use probability.


Therefore, if we are to predict the outcome of the odd-even patterns, we know it will always be the 3-odd-3-even that will stand out.

PatternsProbabilityExpected Frequency in 1000 draws

As an Irish Lottery player, you should pick the pattern with the best ratio of success to failure. That’s how mathematics can help.

Lotterycodex Patterns and the Best Combinations in the Irish Lottery

Best Way To Play Lottery Uk

Like any other lottery, the Irish Lottery is not just about odd and even numbers. It’s not just about low and high numbers.

Deep within the 47 numbers, there are layers of intricate patterns that can help you determine the best combinations to play and the worst ones to avoid.

When we deal with low-high and odd-even patterns in two separate probability analyses, we encounter some contradiction between the two.

For example, 1,2,3,4,5,6 is one of the best combinations according to our odd-even analysis. However, our study of the low-high patterns suggests that such a combination is one of the worst ones.

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Eventually, we need to look at the Irish Lottery differently. Fortunately, we can use advanced combinatorics to put the two analyses together.

Lotterycodex puts all the factors together into one combinatorial equation. The results are advanced combinatorial patterns that allow you to determine the best and the worst.

I divided the patterns into three groups.

Best GroupMiddle GroupWorst Group
Patterns #1, #2, #3Patterns #4 to #20Patterns #21 to #84
3 patterns17 patterns64 patterns

Even though you can still play the middle group, I always recommend to pick your combinations from the best group and avoid the rest of the patterns. As an Irish Lottery player, you should only focus on patterns #1, #2, and #3.

How these patterns are obtained are discussed in the free guide The Lottery and the Winning Formula Based on Combinatorics and Probability Theory.


Best Way To Win The Lottery

Players should understand that there are combinations in the Irish Lottery that will unlikely occur in any draw. There are millions of these worst combinations in the Irish Lottery. The question is, how do you know your combinations are not one of them.

Lotterycodex offers you a Lotto calculator for the Irish Lottery to serve as your guide. This calculator separates the best, the worst, and everything in between. Lotterycodex will do the heavy lifting if you don’t want to go into the trouble of manual calculation. (See the Lotterycodex Calculators)

How To Win The Irish Lottery

The Lottery is genuinely a random game. But you can use math to help you get the best shot possible at winning your game. So always play with the best ones. For the Irish Lottery game, they are always patterns #1, #2, and #3.

I invite you to check the free guide for more mathematical strategies you can use to win the Irish Lotto.

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